Preventative Dentistry



  • Smiling Patient Ready for Checkup — Dental Care in Newcastle, NSW

Preventing the development of harmful dental conditions

By regularly checking on the health of your teeth, we can nip dental issues in the bud before they become more serious and more expensive to treat. Our dental team is here to keep your teeth and gums healthy and to educate you on how to continue to look after your dental health between visits.

During your dental check-up, our dental team will examine your teeth and gums to evaluate your oral health. Digital x-rays are safer than traditional x-rays and also allow our patients and dentists to visually see what is going on in your mouth. With the click of a button, we can zoom in on your teeth and explain treatment options more easily. Regular dental check-ups are the best insurance for your dental health. Our hygienists are here to help provide you long-term care of your teeth and gums. By proactively monitoring your dental health and addressing dental issues, we can maintain your smile for a long time.

Periodontics and providing optimal care for your gums

Periodontics is the dedicated field of dentistry that specifies in the supporting tissues of your smile, in other words – your gums. Your gums play a central role in establishing and maintaining the health of your entire dental function. A dysfunction in your gums can create a disharmony that can affect your teeth, your soft tissues and even your jawbone.

Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease which can often be easily treated with active dental maintenance. The progression of gingivitis towards periodontitis can require more extensive care and, if left untreated, can eventually lead to tooth loss and the spread of infection to your jawbone. Advanced periodontitis has also been linked to cardiovascular disease and diabetes, thus if you have serious gum disease it is essential that you visit a trained professional as soon as possible.

  • Young Woman with Beautiful Smile — Dental Care in Newcastle, NSW

    Reversing Gum Disease

    Fortunately, in most instances gum disease can be corrected with the implementation of a stringent dental hygiene routine and a thorough clean by our dental hygienist. The use of our advanced dental lasers has allowed us to also address periodontal concerns virtually painlessly and with pinpoint accuracy. In addition to increased accuracy, our dental lasers have also allowed us to minimise any discomfort felt by our patients and also reduce the treatment time required.

    During your check-up our dental professionals can identify the potential presence of gum disease and walk you through the steps to take to ensure your gums reach optimal dental health.



    Frequently Asked Questions

    • At what age should children begin brushing their teeth?

      You should begin brushing a young child’s teeth as soon as the first baby tooth erupts, using water and a grain-sized amount of baby toothpaste. Flossing can begin once your child’s teeth begin touching.

    • What can I do about bad breath?

      Bad breath, or halitosis, is commonly caused by poor oral hygiene. Food particles that are not removed from the mouth break down, producing sulphur compounds which have an unpleasant odour. Bad breath can be remedied by:

      • Brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing regularly and using a mouthwash after each brushing session. 
      • Brushing your tongue—a tongue scraper can also be quite helpful, as bacteria and food particles tend to fester on the tongue. 
      • Properly cleaning dentures/bridges/mouthguards on a daily basis—this prevents a bacteria build-up from being retransferred to the mouth. 
      • Limiting the consumption of garlic, onions and spicy and sugary foods. 
      • Sipping on water throughout the day to keep your mouth moist (a dry mouth can cause bad breath). 
    • At what age are wisdom teeth usually extracted?

      Wisdom teeth can be removed when a patient is between the ages of 17-25, to minimise any risk of complications and to ensure a faster recovery period. However, with that said, wisdom teeth can still be successfully extracted at a later stage, or even an earlier one should the need arise. Wisdom teeth are generally extracted when:

      • They are impacted—that is, they remain trapped in your jawbone or gum causing pain and discomfort. 
      • They erupt at an awkward angle, putting pressure on the nearby teeth. 
      • There is insufficient space in your jaw to accommodate these wisdom teeth. 
      • Your wisdom teeth are unhealthy because of decay or cavities. 
    • Why is visiting the dentist so important?

      Regular trips to the dentist are vital to maintaining your oral health and helping to treat any issues before they become more severe. Regular check-ups can help prevent tooth decay, protect against the onset of periodontitis, which is responsible for tooth loss, prevent bad breath and enhance the health and appearance of your teeth. Oral and general health have also been found to be linked, so good oral health may help keep your body healthy and free of other concerns that are caused by poor oral hygiene. To start focusing on your oral health, make your appointment today.

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