Fastbraces® provide a fast, safe, convenient and affordable teeth alignment solution. An innovative mechanical system differentiates Fastbraces® from normal braces by moving the crown and root simultaneously and thereby reducing treatment time.
Fastbraces® were developed over twenty years ago with the vision to provide patients with a cheaper and more convenient alternative to the lengthy and expensive braces procedure.
Over the past 25 years, thousands of patients (children and adults), have benefited from Fastbraces® technology.
In order to straighten teeth, the root of the tooth must be aligned.
Fastbraces® is a safe, fast, gentle, easy and affordable alternative to traditional orthodontic braces.
Fastbraces® can quickly yet effectively resolve issues such as:
Fastbraces® is a satisfactory option for around 80% of most orthodontic cases and are safe and effective for all ages. There is no age limit to having this treatment even if a patient is in their sixties or above. Although it is recommended for children to consider from about the age of 10 years old, after all the baby teeth have fallen out.
Fastbraces® come in three treatment options: clear ceramic brackets, metal brackets and combo (ceramic brackets for upper teeth and metal for lower teeth). The new technology ceramic brackets are even more discreet and a perfect solution for patients who want their orthodontic treatment to be as inconspicuous as possible.
The number one reason most patients choose to straighten their teeth is appearance. An aesthetically pleasing smile is considered more appealing than crooked and discoloured teeth. This can contribute to poor oral health and can create an environment in which bacteria thrive.
Crooked teeth typically have angles, uneven surfaces, and hard-to-reach narrow spaces which are harder to maintain and keep clean. Teeth and roots have an impact on the functioning of the muscles of the face and the physiological function of the jaw affecting the processes of eating and breathing. This combination leads many patients to straighten their teeth even into their adult years. Some adults may not have had the opportunity or access to orthodontic treatment at a younger age. Honeysuckle Dental is proud to be able to cater to all ages offering the options of this revolutionary method for straighter teeth.
The decision to get braces often incurs a great deal of anxiety. For this reason, the Fastbraces® process can be broken down into a few easy steps to minimize the stress and confusion associated with the procedure.
Find a Fastbraces® Provider in your area
Finding a Fastbraces® provider with whom you feel comfortable is the essential first step. At Honeysuckle Dental, we provide a consultation to discuss your suitability for the process. Following this, you can rest assured we will provide the ongoing support necessary to help you reach your desired look. Our key focus is our patients. We customize treatments to suit each individual patient’s needs. We strive to ensure all of our patient's visits and treatments are relaxed and enjoyable. Our experienced dental team considers both medical conditions and personal preferences before moving forward with a customized treatment plan.
Develop a customized treatment plan
Radiographs and imaging will be taken of your teeth to assist with the development of a customized treatment plan.
Complete the treatment plan
In many cases, the treatment plan with Fastbraces® will be completed in under 20 weeks if your bones respond well to the treatment.
The unique and innovative design of Fastbraces® means that you could begin seeing results in as little as 3 months! Its triangular bracket with specially shaped square wire and built-in arms to continually adjust teeth results in both the root and crown of teeth aligning from the beginning of the treatment. Fastbraces® work to align both the crown and roots simultaneously, making it a quicker option.
If you need to straighten your teeth before moving on to other cosmetic dental procedures, then Fastbraces®can be used. Fastbraces® are designed to move both the root and crown of the tooth simultaneously, which decreases treatment time and may be a better option for straightening your teeth if you are undergoing a smile makeover.
Traditional braces work by moving the crown of your tooth into its correct position first before moving the root, which is why treatment time can sometimes take years. Fastbraces®, on the other hand, move both the root and crown of the tooth simultaneously helping to cut down on treatment time.
Any type of braces will cause some mild pain and discomfort because the braces are moving your teeth and its roots. Studies have revealed that Fastbraces® may not be as uncomfortable as traditional braces due to smaller and fewer parts resulting in a smoother and more comfortable orthodontic treatment. You will however experience some pain when your braces are first attached and after every appointment when the braces are tightened and readjusted.
Fastbraces® are a completely safe and comfortable teeth straightening option. It has been around for over 25 years and has been used by many patients to achieve the smiles they want.
DISCLAIMER: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek the opinion of an appropriately qualified health practitioner.